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Nowadays, one of the most discussed topics, concerning life and death, is, undoubtedly, suicide.

Considered as the last and most extreme act of self-injury, suicide represents an important problem in a society that sees life in a different way than it did in the past.

First of all, it is fundamental to look at some data in order to completely understand this phenomenon and its main causes;  according to what the WHO (World Healthy Organization) has reported the number of suicide cases is increasing dangerously, especially in countries that are living a particularly difficult period of their history, such as Guyana, Kazakistan or Ucraina, where political and economical situation appears really unsteady. But economical difficulties are just one of the many elements that could push someone to kill himself. The causes are, in fact, various, and go from problems related to every kind of relationship, to psychological disturbs or even the use of drugs and psychotropic substances.

As it happens for each topic, there are more ways of thinking, characterized by different opinions. In this case they can be generally identified in religious and secular mentality.

For, what it concerns religion, christians consider (or should consider) suicide an incredibly serious sign of disrespect towards God, who is the only one able to control the death of a person. Our life is, in fact, a God’s present, and committing suicide would mean trying to take possession of His “property”.

On the other hand, as a consequence of a more and more secular society, the vision of this extreme act like the last expression of legit freedom in someone’ s life has been accepted and shared by a good amount of people.

In conclusion, none of these two ideas can be considered right or wrong, and people, instead of trying to impose their thoughts, should just limit themselves to a true compassion towards people who decide to make such a desperate action.


                                                                                                                    By Giovanni Cancelli

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